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Who We Are

What Is "Emergent Change"?

At Emergent Change, we see inextricable overlap between our experiences as former teachers and the inspiration we draw from adrienne marie brown’s concept of “emergent strategy”: fostering individual empowerment to catalyze collective evolution.


In witnessing first-hand the toll of burnout and dissonance within environments where leadership seemed detached from their people, we resolved to become part of the solution. We believe fervently in nurturing an ethos of lifelong learning and community building, underpinning our drive to shape a more harmonious, equitable world. No longer can we risk losing passionate changemakers to disillusionment or exhaustion. The question, therefore, is how do we foster a culture that is sustainable, invigorating, and equitable?


Emergent Change is committed to guiding diverse individuals and organizations on their distinctive paths towards resolving this vital question. We envision a future where all entities—be they in education, government, transportation, philanthropy, business, or community service—cherish the multifaceted nature of their members, acknowledging the inherent value of each individual.


We envision a future where our workplaces are microcosms of the improved world we aim to co-create. These are the environments ripe for growth-centric communication, radical support, and synergistic teamwork. They reflect the fractal patterns of the universe, destined to repeat on a larger scale.

Let's collectively be the catalysts of this transformative, emergent change.

How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale. The patterns of the universe repeat at scale.
—adrienne marie brown
Meet the Team

Our teams on projects comprise tailored selections of pedagogically skills consultants: from solo initiatives, to large-group endeavors. Beyond just us founders, our success is amplified by the diverse and talented co-consultants we have the privilege of working alongside. We are honored to collaborate with these skilled professionals and remain excited about the potential of forming new partnerships with those we have yet to meet.

Meet the Founders

A headshot of Maris Harmon from Emergent Change, co-founder and lead conflict mediator

Maris Harmon (she/her)

Co-Founder and Healthcare Liaison

  • LinkedIn
  • Master of Science in Education, University of Pennsylvania: Specialization in Stress-Resilient Cognitive Development.

  • Colorado Secondary Teaching Credential: Designation in Social Studies and English Language Arts.

  • Professional in Healthcare Consulting: Proven track record in nurturing organizational leaders, promoting effective decision-making and operational efficacy in healthcare spaces

  • Expertise in Personal Transformation: Proficient in motivating individuals towards self-improvement and achievement of personal and professional milestones.

  • Specialist in Project Execution: Demonstrated success in managing and completing projects across corporate sectors, showcasing adaptability in diverse environments.

  • Recognition in Professional Mentoring: Substantial experience in guiding individuals and teams towards growth and achievement of their potential.


Aaron Barlin (he/they)

Co-Founder and Lead Curriculum Coach

  • LinkedIn
  • Master of Science in Education, University of Pennsylvania: Specialization in Socratic, Discourse-Based Learning Methodologies.

  • California Secondary Teaching Credential: Designation in English Language Arts.

  • Recognized Leader in DEI: Comprehensive and collaborative application of social justice standards and anti-bias frameworks

  • Professional in SEL (Socioemotional Learning): Advanced mastery in uniquely blending SEL with cognitive learning strategies to cultivate deep understanding and engagement.

  • Faculty in Pedagogical Training: Leadership in creating and guiding powerful learning progressions, including coaching instructors, onboarding staff, and training programs for teams.

  • Specialist in MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Implementation: Proven capability in developing and implementing multi-tiered support systems.

We want to hear about your story as well!
Click here to schedule a coffee chat with us.
“Radical” simply means to grab something by the roots.
—Angela Davis

What DEI Work Means to Us

This work is not about knowing more than others: it’s about doing more together.


Change and growth demand we humbly and courageously acknowledge that all of us have blind spots across our thoughts and behaviors. In order to transform these blind spots into opportunities for collective change and growth, we need to explore and value our multifaceted experiences: we need to centralize diversity, equity, and inclusion. So, what “radical," from-the-roots change and growth are you curious to make, for yourself and in collaboration with the people around you?


Emergent Change is here to help people explore, experiment with, and eventually own that potential to change and grow, both on the individual and systemic levels. Having been teacher leaders in our schools, we have intimate experience with how systems and procedures have direct bearing on the daily lives of the folks who live in them. Changing those systems and procedures takes courage; by not approaching change as an “uprooting” of unhelpful behaviors and oppressive systems, the weeds of troublesome habits and systems will simply grow again.


As experienced classroom educators, we have implemented practices necessary to inspire actionable, fundamental change in students, peers, and leadership alike. We know how to create the building blocks of learning, and we know how to support folks in moving from the edge of their comfort zone into the learning zone. 

We invite you to use your small landscape as the starting place for the world you wish to see. When folks see injustice taking place in the world, they often ask in the heat of the moment, “What can I do?” Frequently, this question becomes too big to tackle, and the momentum of change fizzles to apathy. 


We can help you sustain that momentum of change. By giving you and your organization the tools to identify injustice and reimagine what justice and belonging could look like in your workplace, you can answer essential questions like:


  • How do we exchange unhelpful impulses and oppressive behaviors for more thoughtful, deliberate, and healthier professional habits?

  • What does it look like when folks come together to celebrate and create diversity, equity, inclusion, and subsequent belonging among one another? 

  • What does it feel like to collaborate in a work environment every day where each person feels and truly is part of something so much bigger?

  • How can we adjust our policies, systems, and decision-making structures to create the most equitable, justice-driven outcomes possible


For you and your communities, we are here to help you imagine, shape, and own the answers to these questions—all and always “by the roots.”

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